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Vicentino Herdade do Brejo Redondo, Brejão,7630-562 São Teotónio, Portugal
T: +351282940000
www.vicentinowines.com GPS: 37°27'48.5"N 8°45'03.7"W
In Zambujeira do Mar, where the high temperatures of the Alentejo region are mitigated by the Atlantic, the typical concentration of inland viticulture is balanced by the freshness and humidity of the sea, leading to an ideal maturation of the grapes. It is in this landscape that the Vicentino project has its home.

The 60 hectares of vineyards, owned by Ole Martin and his friends Antoinette and Olivier Lemens, occupy an area very close to the sea, and this presence and proximity are found in all Vicentino wines. 
It was Ole Martin's passion for the area that, after already having an agricultural project in the same location since 1987, decided to plant the first vines in 2007, and the first wine was born in 2014 from Sauvignon Blanc.

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