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Mateus Nicolau de Almeida

Mateus Nicolau de Almeida Caminho de Curral Teles, 5150-636 Vila Nova de Foz Côa
www.mateusnicolaudealmeida.com GPS: 41.09622,-7.133222
Mateus is the fifth generation of the Nicolau de Almeida family to produce wine in the Douro valley.

Together with his wife, Teresa Ameztoy, they work in a wine cellar called Shad's winery (Alosa alosa), named after the Fish that crossed the Douro River from the Atlantic ocean, a reality impossible today due to the contruction of the dams.
In this cellar they give us different prespectives and approches to the vine and wine, based on organic and biodynamic farming.
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